The Mobile Games market is expected to generate a revenue of $286.50B in 2023. In this report we present 41 small, medium, and large mobile gaming studios that you should look into.

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What makes the mobile games industry so interesting?

The mobile gaming industry is one of the fastest-growing and lucrative sectors of the global gaming industry, with mobile games accounting for a significant portion of the overall revenue. With the historical rise of smartphones and the increasing demand for entertainment on the go, mobile games have become a ubiquitous part of everyday life. This has led to a surge in investment and acquisition activities in the mobile gaming space, making it a highly attractive industry for investors and private equity professionals.

What's included in the report?

This report by Inven introduces 41 interesting mobile gaming studios worldwide, ranging from small, lesser-known studios like Bad Jump Games and Trailmix Games, to mid-sized studios and larger, more well-known studios like Supercell. We guarantee you'll find some interesting mobile gaming studios to follow!

You'll get:

  • 41 interesting mobile game studios listed
  • Their headcount, headquarters, website and LinkedIn
  • A brief introduction to each

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